Hello Everyone!
What an incredible journey we continue on! God is so Good!
We are in the middle of our summer season in Panama City Beach, FL where we perform 6 nights a week (Praise the Lord for one day off!) at two fantastic venues. The Tropical Garden Theatre at Gulf World Marine Park has been our home theatre for 10 years and 11 summer seasons now! It rivals any Branson or Vegas style theatre with it’s lighting, screens and seating for 675! You won’t want to miss our Show at this incredible venue, it is SO much Fun! We have some new changes to not only the show but the stage and theatre itself. Visit www.gulfworldmarinepark.com for more info or to get tickets. Below we have included a picture of our Rack Card with info also. Shows here are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, please make sure and call ahead to make sure we are there as we do have a few black out dates.
Our second Summer Venue is the Holiday Inn Resort in Panama City Beach. If you are wanting to stay somewhere fun and fabulous for the whole family, check out this resort! Our shows here are JUST for Resort guests, and yes they check at the door for your room key 🙂 Hee Hee. Check out www.hipcbeach.com for more info on this resort that has restaurants, live shows, Hawaiian style pool deck and much more!
We have some exciting shows coming up this fall! You need to check out our Tour Schedule at www.toddallenshow.com regularly, as we add dates almost daily, as we get calls for shows daily! August 23, 24 and 25 we will be in Indiana for some exciting concerts! We are super excited to go back to Buck Lake Ranch, where Todd’s career got started, and perform as part of their 65th anniversary celebration! That’s August 25 in Angola, IN at Buck Lake Ranch! Below we have included photos of their Special Newspaper, the Buck Lake Gazette, that we have the honor of being the Front Page of! Help spread the word and come on out to this Special Concert!
Here is a link directly to our Tour Schedule Calendar: http://www.localendar.com/public/FTD. Don’t forget to check it often!
Saturday July 14 we are honored to be the entertainment for USMC Combat Helicopter Assn Reunion Banquet Dinner in Orlando, FL. We’ll be doing our full show but we Cannot wait to share “My Name Is America” with these heroes!
September 7 we will be in Van Wert, OH at the Hot Air Festival! Go here to check out this Cool event : http://vanwerthotairfestival.com/?cat=3 and come join us for a fabulous Concert!
October 28, as you may know, Todd has been asked to sing “My Name Is America” AT THE BASE of the STATUE OF LIBERTY for her 126th anniversary! We are so excited to be apart of this huge event that is also the Grand Re-Opening of the Statue since it’s been closed for a year for renovations! Will keep you posted with more details later!
November 3 we have a BIG CELEBRATE AMERICA Concert in Tifton, GA at the UGA Conference Center. You can see all the details below in the photo about this great event!
November 17 Todd flies to Philadelphia, PA for a special event at The Delaware County Community Foundation Salute to Veterans Gala Honoring Claude de Botton with the Gary Papa Leadership in Philanthropy Award!
There are many more dates in the works that we just need to get details nailed down and they will then be added to the Tour Schedule, so at the risk of repeating ourselves, check that schedule often.
We have something really cool to share with you! Todd’s step dad was recently awarded “THE DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS” For His Heroism while participating in aerial flight on August 18, 1969. Warrent Officer One Nathan J. Wilondek served in Vietnam as a UH-1 Helicopter Commander with the 71st Aviation Company, 14th Aviation Battalion, 16th Aviation Group, 23rd Infantry Division. We are so proud of him! Below we have some photo copies of his paper work and Todd with him and his Distinguished Flying Cross. Thank God for those who serve and have served to preserve our FREEDOM. It’s slowly being stolen…
Have a wonderful Independence Day and CELEBRATE FREEDOM! Thank a hero while you are at it!
Don’t forget to Help Share and spread the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TPgJSZf5Vw. You can always buy a CD or DVD copy of “My Name Is America” at www.mynameisamerica.us.
God Bless each and every one of you and keep us in your prayers!
Todd Allen Herendeen Show